Why Your Lover Isn't Messaging You Back Based on Your astrological sign

Your crush anticipates you to take charge. When the conversation becomes monotonous, they want you to steer it in a new direction by texting first. They are anticipating your speech because they know you have a lot to say.


Either that, or your large ego is intimidating them. They're assuming that because of your high standards and sense of self-worth, you wouldn't want someone as unimportant as them.


Your crush doesn't actually despise you. You're just giving things much too much thought. The last time your crush texted you wasn't that long ago, was it? Stop trying to analyze your circumstance and take a step back.


They weren't frightened by you. They weren't scared off by you. Most likely, they're busy. Give them some time; sooner or later, they'll respond. Simply exercise patience.


The problem is that you are too kind. Unfortunately, you have to be a little bit of an asshole if you want to succeed in the dating scene. No, you're not required to berate your crush and drive them to tears.


But you also can't appear to be a helpless little angel. Simply put, your crush isn't replying because they find you uninteresting. Therefore, stop speaking what you believe they want to hear and start being authentic.


Even though you adore your crush, you can't become enraged anytime they make eye contact with another attractive person. Your envy could endanger your relationship even before it starts.


If your admirer discovers that you are extremely possessive right away, why would they want to go on a date with you? Try to maintain your composure for a change rather than bombarding them with dozens of SMS asking them where they are going and who they will be with.


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