What Your Zodiac Sign Tells You About Why Your Crush Isn't Texting You Back

It's no secret that you have a tendency to start out too strong. By sending three texts in a row or by disclosing too much too soon, you might have scared your crush away.


Because they're not accustomed to your brand of unvarnished honesty, they may even feel scared by how forthright you are. Either they are taking a long time to react or they are at a loss for words when speaking to you.


Not receiving a text reply shouldn't make you feel too bad. The only explanation for why your crush is taking so long to respond is that it took you so long to respond. It's a case of "an eye for an eye.


They don't realize how detrimental your procrastination might be and assume that you simply don't care about them.


When it comes to you, your crush never knows what to anticipate. They are unsure of which side of you they will see, which is why they won't text you first.


They'd prefer to wait for you to start the conversation so they can be sure you're feeling upbeat. They don't want to wreck the bond you've begun to build by catching you off guard.


When it comes to masking your emotions, you're a pro. Because of this, your crush has no idea if you find them repulsive or if you secretly have feelings for them.


They are reluctant to text you since they don't want to annoy you. They don't think talking to you is important because they don't realize how much you mean to them.


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